Have you encountered people who had a moment where they came to know God? If not, you can refer to the book “From a KA-BAR to The Cross” by Carson Brannan. This represents a story where a soldier has found the lord in the middle of the battlefield.
This occurrence typically indicates that they were confronted with reality and had to make a decision about how to live in light of it. Some people may find this serious or silly, but as devotees, we genuinely desire to assist others in coming to Jesus in a meaningful and life-giving way. But how do we go about doing that?
Express Your Thankfulness to Others
As you get closer to Jesus, you’ll become more conscious of His many blessings. Make a point of expressing your thanks in your talks, for both big and small things. Make a name for yourself as a thankful person who expresses who you feel is the source of all good things: “every good and perfect gift is from above” (James 1:17).
Ask Them Good Questions
When it comes to your friendships, be willing to listen more than you talk. We don’t always have to lecture or take the lead to present Jesus. Instead, we might follow him by being sensitive and asking insightful questions that get to the heart of people’s motivations, wants, concerns, and dreams. “What do you believe makes a decent person?” this is an example of a question that can arise throughout your chat. It’s not intended to be a test for them to ask questions like this. Instead, it gently sets the tone for a mutually beneficial discussion about where each of you is in your thinking on these issues. It also provides an open forum for you to discuss how the answers you’ve discovered have brought you peace, purpose, and joy.
Pray for Them and Pray with Them
Praying for others to come to believe Jesus seems straightforward, but it’s easy to ignore when we’re looking for more action-oriented tips that make us feel like we’re accomplishing more. On the other hand, Prayer is our relationship with G. We hope our friends will come to know, and we ask Him to introduce Himself to them through us or another means.
We can and should pray for our friends in secret, but we can also tell them we’ll pray for them when they disclose anything difficult in their lives, ask if they’d like us to pray for them right then, and check-in with them on the issues we were praying about. All of this displays concern and keeps the door open for future spiritual conversations if not done in a forceful manner.
Share Your Story with Others
Telling your personal story becomes natural as you get to know more individuals. Consider how you may share that tale in a way that honors Jesus as your Redeemer, Savior, Friend, and King.
Just like you wouldn’t leave out important characters in your stories like your parents or spouse, don’t leave God out of your life story while telling it to someone else. It is possible that as you share His beneficial impact on your life, it will pull others closer to Him.
Invite Them to Join You in Reading the Bible
Numerous people have never had the opportunity to read the Bible with someone who has previously studied it. Because it appears scary, many people have never read it. Many people are fascinated by Jesus and, if prompted, would read the Bible in an exploratory or inquisitive manner. Consider praying about asking a buddy to read the Bible with you, possibly one of the Gospels, to help you answer the question, “Who was Jesus?” This Bible study can be casual and just consist of reading and discussing a chapter, or you can use a prepared short investigative Bible study.
In Conclusion
It is better to know God not only as our creator, but also as our savior, friend, father, and healer. We have provided some of the ways on how you can help others to know God. But the first step is to know Him more genuinely ourselves. To know more about how a person can find God, we recommend reading Carson Brannan’s “From a KA-BAR to The Cross”.
Featured Image: https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-child-reading-holy-bible-935944/
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