Knowing The Purpose of Your Gifts and Talents

Knowing The Purpose of Your Gifts and Talents

We have seen people with multiple gifts and talents, and we seem to find it unique. Every person has their talent in certain things and ways. But have you ever wondered why do we have these things for free? It has been said that this has been given to us by the...
The Power of Having a Never Quitting Mindset

The Power of Having a Never Quitting Mindset

Have you ever had a feeling that giving up is the only option? Especially in things, you could not control? It is usual for people to give up on things, but it is up to them whether to let that take them over or stand up for themselves and thrive for success. The...
How Can You Help Others to Know God?

How Can You Help Others to Know God?

Have you encountered people who had a moment where they came to know God? If not, you can refer to the book “From a KA-BAR to The Cross” by Carson Brannan. This represents a story where a soldier has found the lord in the middle of the battlefield. This occurrence...
A Soldier Who Became a Preacher

A Soldier Who Became a Preacher

Soldiers are known generally to be strong, fierce, and brave. But even when they are trained to be one, they are still human beings and have feelings that they can’t show to the world. Though soldiers on the battlefield are fearless and ruthless, they can always rely...

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